Human Rights and Supply Chain Responsibility

We also acknowledge our corporate responsibility for human rights and therefore commit to upholding the core principles of the „UN Global Compact‟, and to respecting human rights (UN Resolution 217 A (III)) and the relevant fundamental principles (core labour standards) set forth by the International Labour Organization (ILO).

Within our Compliance Management System, the Compliance department is primarily responsible for human rights issues and the associated environmental standards, maintaining a constant dialogue with various functions and specialist departments.

We have embedded our understanding of these fundamental aspects of human rights and the associated environmental standards in both our Code of Conduct and, through consultation with our General Works Council, in a joint declaration of principles regarding respect for human rights.

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Recognising and managing risks

We employ a risk‐based approach to identify and prioritise corporate human rights risks within our company, while also increasing their transparency. In alignment with the Supply Chain Due Diligence Act (Lieferkettensorgfaltspflichtengesetz, LkSG), Knaus Tabbert has established an appropriate and effective risk management system to identify, prevent, minimise and, if necessary, mitigate human rights or environmental risks or violations. We regularly review the effectiveness of the defined requirements, declarations and processes in terms of compliance with the LkSG, adjusting them as necessary. We also ensure that contractual agreements, such as terms and conditions, are regularly updated and aligned with the prevailing conditions.