The Knaus Tabbert Group’s corporate culture is characterised by clear responsibilities, mutual respect, integrity, appreciation and trust. Compliance with statutory and legal obligations has always been a top priority for our company and is also the foundation of the Knaus Tabbert core values. This is an integral part of our corporate culture and the basis for the trust that our customers, shareholders, business partners and the public place in us.
Our primary goal is to avoid risks that could jeopardise the trust placed in the Knaus Tabbert Group by customers, shareholders, business partners and the public. To achieve this, we have established a Compliance Management System that includes tools and measures designed to aid our employees in managing legal risks.
Within our corporate culture, transparency, openness and compliance are paramount.
“Integrity means doing the right thing by turning fundamental values into a set of standards and living up to them. This is the only way to ensure long‐term success. This guiding principle applies to the entire Management Board of Knaus Tabbert AG!”
To provide guidance for our employees, the Knaus Tabbert Group has established a binding Code of Conduct. It defines the behavioural principles that apply to our daily work – regardless of hierarchical levels. In addition, through mandatory training sessions, we create and promote a consistent, company‐wide awareness and understanding of our values. The Code of Conduct presented here focuses above all on compliance with the applicable legal regulations. The Knaus Tabbert Group takes all necessary and appropriate measures to ensure lawful conduct by its officials, executives and employees (legal compliance).
In addition, we have created a set of binding guiding principles for our business partners. The corresponding Code of Conduct (Supplier Code of Conduct) summarises what we expect from our suppliers, including respect for human rights, compliance with occupational health and safety standards, environmental protection and anti‐corruption measures. In this way, we not only hold ourselves to exacting internal standards but also strive to uphold our values and principles throughout the entire value chain.
To educate our employees about potential legal risks and to ensure compliance with local and international legal regulations, Knaus Tabbert AG has established a group‐wide compliance organisation. These measures as a whole are referred to as the Compliance Management System (CMS).
The Knaus Tabbert Compliance Committee consists of the Chief Financial Officer (CFO), the Chief Operating Officer (COO) and the Chief Compliance Officer, and serves as the highest authority within the compliance organisation at Knaus Tabbert AG.
It directs and oversees the necessary activities to prevent legal violations and reports regularly to the Management Board and the Supervisory Board of Knaus Tabbert AG on all compliance-related matters within the Group.
The compliance organisation at Knaus Tabbert AG places a major emphasis on the specialist managers, as well as the department and division heads, who form a company‐wide network of compliance officers. In this capacity, they play a leading role in implementing compliance directives within their areas of responsibility and report directly to the Chief Compliance Officer using a uniform and centrally managed compliance software solution. The Chief Compliance Officer, when necessary, reports to the Knaus Tabbert Compliance Committee.
This network is further supported by the so‐called Ad‐hoc Committee and the Disclosure Committee, consisting primarily of the Chief Financial Officer (CFO), the Group General Counsel and the Head of Investor Relations.