With the five product brands KNAUS, TABBERT, WEINSBERG, T@B and MORELO Knaus Tabbert offers motorhomes, caravans, camper vans and CUV to suit every taste and budget. Our balanced portfolio of products and brands appeals to different audiences: the lifestyle customer, the nature enthusiast, the city traveller, the camping novice, the permanent caravan user, or those who want to experience luxury holidays on the road.
With innovative products and services, we define the future of caravanning. Our lightweight construction caravan KNAUS TRAVELINO sets standards. And thanks to our rental portal RENT AND TRAVEL even those new to camping can catch a glimpse of the most beautiful type of holiday.
At the beginning, we had an idea. To build a caravan that it extremely lightweight. This idea became a mission. A mission not „just‟ to construct a lightweight caravan on wheels, but to develop a vehicle that leaves behind traditional assembly forms and classic constructions.
The result of years of research and development: the KNAUS TRAVELINO. An innovative, ultra‐lightweight caravan that is built upon a self‐supporting plastic frame. This FibreFrame saves weight and enables us to develop assemblies that would not have been possible using conventional methods. How nice, when an idea becomes a revolution!